Short description:

Lawyer service (mobile app / flutter)

Photo gallery:


Technical stack:

Flutter, YooKassa, REST API

Interesting features:

1) authorization (sign up, sign in, pass remind)
2) flutter
3) 2 types of users: lawyers and clients
4) auto login
5) rest api integration with bearer authentication
6) connected to our own yii2 backend and shares one db with a web app
7) firebase is used here only for sending push notifications
8) public and private chat rooms based on + redis + node.js + yii2 + php8 backend
9) background geolocation tracking
10) chat token antifraud check
11) chat rooms with pagination
12) listening for new chat messages in realtime
13) different page layouts
14) 2 language support: english and russian. Current locale is imported from the user profile data while login process.
15) geo tracking
16) multi file upload (photos and documents)
17) yoo kassa integration
18) photo view integration
19) web view integration
20) video player integration
21) youtube mp4 video url parser
22) file downloader integration
23) yandex maps integration
24) geolocator integration
25) app title marquee
26) sending push notifications to device from backend
27) user avatars, upload, update
28) questions
29) posts
30) lawyer requests (marketplace)
31) client profile
32) lawyer profile
33) feedback by question answers
34) lawyer portfolio
35) smart select (dropdown with auto complete)
36) companies
37) user settings
38) dialogs
39) snackbars
40) page infinite loading
41) youtube player
42) page comments
43) page likes
44) different layouts and pages for guest and authorized users
45) different bottom navigation layouts (depends on entity data type)
46) photo captions
47) yoo kassa mobile connected to secured php backend
48) user balance data
49) balance refill
50) question pay
51) additional notification info with url (onclick redirect to required page)
52) info pages
53) unread notification count realtime update
54) unread messages count realtime update (for projects)
55) addresses
56) pay from balance or create a new extra sum refill order
57) choose the best answer
58) approving company lawyers
59) approving client request for adding lawyers to the favorites
60) alarm button activation
61) fee payment
62) regular projects
63) urgent projects
64) change password
65) account deactivation

Project type:


Client location:

Moscow, Russia

Current status:

Project is active

Project url: