Short description:

Lawyer service (web app)

Photo gallery:


Technical stack:

Yii2, PHP, SCSS, MariaDb,, Redis, Node.js, YooKassa

Interesting features:

1) admin module
2) admin module security based on ip address filter, qr codes & google authenticator
3) admin template based on adminLTE
4) client cabinet module
5) lawyer cabinet module
6) photo gallery
7) multi language support: Russian, English
8) multi language SEO support: url structure and routing
9) automatic sitemap generation (daily)
10) auth module (sign up, sign in, pass remind)
11) email integration with yandex service (DKIM, SPF, TXT and other records)
12) email service provider via MailerSend
13) admin crud by each entity data type with search filters
14) javascript optimization, based on EcmaScript 6 standard and babel
15) search form labels
16) search form filters
17) youtube videos crud
18) multi photo upload
19) photo sorting
20) watermark set
21) chat rooms: private and public, based on + node.js (with ssl and antifraud custom check) + redis + yii2 backend
22) video lazy load
23) photo lazy load
24) flash notifications
25) likes
26) posts
27) questions
28) projects with private chats
29) paid services: question publication, lawyer request publication, urgent "Alarm button" activation
30) user profile
31) lawyers (search and profile)
32) clients (profile)
33) companies and workers
34) select2 integration
35) country select
36) phone input
37) notifications
38) yandex map integration (on early stage is was leaflet, but client asked to change it to yandex)
39) client and lawyer geotracking
40) browser geolocation
41) geo route builder (between 2 points: lawyer and client geo position), based on yandex tech
43) geo coding by address input
44) map multilanguage support
45) map marker drug and drop
46) ion range slider integration
47) rest api for flutter mobile app
48) assets combine
49) yoo kassa integration
50) font awesome 5 integration
51) seo canonical
52) lawyer money payout (request crud)
53) 4 versions of logo: english, russian, for white and dark background
54) photo cropping, rotating, optimizing (imagick)
55) lawyer service marketplace: client can post a task and all lawyers can suggest own proposals (like on upwork)
56) client feedback
57) also, client can add lawyers to the favorite, lawyers can approve such requests and then client can call a lawyer by clicking on "Alarm button", lawyer will get a push notification on a flutter app or on email, that his client needs urgent help. In this message we will attach all required info for fast feedback and departure: client's info and address. It's very important for SOS situations, for example: surprise searches or unseen circumstances.
64) question money distribution for the best answer
65) 2 side feedback: for projects, for question answers
66) form validation
67) view and owner entity access check
68) different hints and help info
69) breadcrumbs
70) text area auto grow
71) sending, getting and syncing realtime geo position of lawyer by browser or mobile app
72) lawyer certificate check by admin
73) recaptcha v2 antispam check
74) lawyer portfolio
75) summernote html editor integration (posts), html encoding and purifying
76) scroll to top button
77) integration
78) css style work is based on scss tech
79) flag icons
80) bootstrap 4 based grid
81) alertify integration
82) nginx optimization
83) database structure optimization + indexes + migrations
84) design xs, sm, md, lg, xl devices optimization
85) youtube video lazy load
86) telegram bot for sending notifications
87) connection via server and flutter app
88) firebase integration for sending push notifications from server to the mobile app

Project type:


Client location:

Moscow, Russia

Current status:

Project is active

Project url: